From the Disney Parks Blog
We know a lot of you have been wondering and asking, and today we are happy to reveal the final destinations you can expect to visit when Star Tours resumes service. You already know we’re going to Tatooine for the Boonta Eve Podrace and to Coruscant.
Additional destinations include a visit to the beautiful planet of Naboo, a rare tour of the Wookiee planet of Kashyyyk, and a trip to the icy planet Hoth (seen above in a still image from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back).
Of course, no Star Tours adventure would be complete without an unexpected visit to the Death Star, this time above the planet Geonosis.
In addition, we’ll be departing from a spectacular new Spaceport, created just for the new Star Tours voyages.
As revealed earlier, these destinations will be combined in more than 50 different story adventures, so you’ll never know where the Force will take you!
For those of you, like me, that don’t know enough about Star Wars, here is a description of each of the planets you can visit in Star Tours: The Adventure Continues.
Also known as Wookiee Planet C, Edean, G5-623, and Wookiee World, was a Mid-Rim planet. It was the lush, tree-filled home world of the Wookies. Much of the planet could be compared to a giant swamp — filled with wildlife and covered with wet soil and large amounts of water
Geonosis, called Geonosia by some natives, was the home of the Geonosians. The planet consisted of a diminutive molten core with a rocky mantle forming a rocky, desert world subject to flash floods that carved great highland canyons. Water made up 5% of the surface.
Hoth is the sixth planet in the remote system of the same name. It is a world of snow and ice, surrounded by numerous moons. Small meteorites that have wandered away from a nearby asteroid field constantly pelt H’s icy surface. This icy world has developed a number of indigenous lifeforms, including the wampa ice creature, and the tauntaun. The daytime temperatures of Hoth were bearable for properly dressed humans, but the Hoth nights are too hostile even for the native creatures.
Naboo is inhabited by peaceful humans known as the Naboo, and an indigenous species of intelligent amphibians called the Gungans. Naboo’s surface consists of swampy lakes, rolling plains and green hills. It is also the home of Queen Armidala
Situated in the heart of the galaxy, Coruscant was the seat of government for the Galactic Republic and the Empire that supplanted it. Skyscrapers reach high into the atmosphere, and stretch down deep into the dark shadows. Even in the depths of night, Coruscant is alive with glittering lights and rivers of traffic, a bustling megalopolis that refuses to sleep.
Tatooine rests in the distant Outer Rim, beyond the reaches of Republic and Imperial law. Tatooine is controlled by the Hutts, and their shady operations bring many spacers, bounty hunters, thieves and other malcontents to the planet’s few port cities. Tatooine has a seemingly endless desert environment cooked by the intense energy of twin yellow suns. Rocky mesas, canyons and arroyos break up the monotony of kilometers of shifting dunes. The days are hot and the nights are frigid. The air is dry and the soil is parched.
[…] Disney Announce Confirmed Final Destination for Star Tours 2 Disney Announce Confirmed Final Destination for Star Tours Posted by Adam on April 1, 2011 at 12:53 pm. From the Disney Parks Blog. We know a lot of you have been wondering and asking, and today we are happy to reveal the final . […]
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