Disney Brit Podcast

Hello and Welcome to another episode of the Disney Brit Podcast.

Join Adam, Alan  and special guest Dave Avanzino with some DIsney Chat

 We talk briefly about news, including Star Wars Weekends being announced, Frozen 2 and the DVLA number plates that are a must for Disney fans!
We listen to our Tomorrows Child submissions, from William and Thomas Coulson, Jake Walker, Harry Goodger, Imogen and Abigail Hooper. The question they are answering is what 1 gift would you like to received from Disney.
We chat to Dave Avanzino, who is a “paper craft” artist that has works available to purchase through Disney. I remember seeing his work at Walt Disney World and wanting to buy an item, but forgot to go back to the store. When you see his work you will see why I was gutted!
We hurry through  the latest instalment of Disney’s Ultimate Attraction as we run out of time.
If you would like to join in any of the interactive sections of the show send us an email to radio@disneybrit.com
Finally we’d like to thanks our show sponsors

ScootOrlando.com is a sponsor and provides Orlando Scooter Rentals.

Orlando Attraction Tickets have joined us as sponsors

We hope you enjoy this episode.

Download our Disney Podcast on itunes


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