Before I even start this post I have to say a MASSIVE thank you to the guys at as they have busy out and about in the park getting loads of video and photos of everything that is currently happening in the Magic Kingdom.
Let’s start off in the most current of closures, Mickey’s Toontown Fair. The train still stops at the station to get water and also to allow time for the trains on the Magic Kingdom loop but they have put up a green scrim that you can see through, just about! got some video of it.
It appears from the video that Mickey and Minnie’s house have gone. The Barnstormer looks untouched as does Donald’s Boat but interestingly, the drive in his spiel tells passengers that the area is expected to be open within a year. Be good to see this opening ahead of the current planned expansion schedule. It is sad to see such a thing go but also great to see such a thing moving ahead with great pace.
Next up, the Haunted Mansion!
The Haunted Mansion got an update this week with what we believe to be a temporary looking projection at the end of the attraction. There is rumour that they are plussing the Hitchhiking ghosts and the projects are a temporary way to hide what is going on behind there. But, for the past few weeks, workers have been developing some of the queue area outside with what seems to be elements of back story from years ago. Do you remember the Captain and the magical Phineas Pock? It seems they may be about to make a return.

But, before them. Remember the old tombstones that stood by the entrance? They had been removed for this new update but new ones have appeared on the hill side
There is nothing engraved so far but the hope is that they will become the new tributes to legendary Imagineers both past and present. It would certainly be a shame to see these go.

Next up is something that links way back to Ken Anderson’s original story treatment of 1957, Captain Gore, the Sea Captain.
Captain Bartholomew Gore owned what was to be called Gore Mansion and guests were to be treated to a walking tour lead by his old butler, Beauregard. Gore was brought his young bride to the mansion but strangely and mysteriously disappeared. Guests followed the butler as we meet the Priscilla, his ghost bride and follow her as she opens a treasure chest and discovers Gore is indeed the infamous pirate Black Bart. The Butler recalls she was never seen again but stories tell of her being thrown down a well by Captain Gore in a Sea Chest, other say she was bricked up in a wall inside the mansion. Although Gore disappeared he was also said to have possibly hung himself from the rafters of the old house. Could the tomb in fact be a well or could we hear Priscilla banging to try and escape?

I could go in to a lot more detail about all of it but I won’t keep you here all day. There are a few other links back to the past. Next up the Magician, Singing Bust and possible Librarian who could be link with the library looking tombstone.
Finally, for today anyway is another tombstone linked to the inside of the attraction.

You know the band that play inside the Haunted Mansion? You know the one. They are forever playing their rendition of Grim Grinning Ghosts. Well, it seems they finally have a tomb to rest their instruments. Only at night when everyone has gone home though, we want to hear them playing in the mansion when we come to visit.
Take a look at video of the current construction and see if you can pick them out. I don’t know about you but I can feel an sir of foreboding!