Created by Disney artists Maria Clapsis and Thomas Scott, the Trading Night Series has been steadily released throughout the year, with the latest release coming out just last month. Each figure is limited to a release of just 500, with only 50 of that being the variant. Figures so far include: Mike Wazowski, Stitch, Figment, Buzz Lightyear, Oswald, Agent P, Dumbo, Kermit, Scrooge McDuck, Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, Jack Skellington (2 variants) and Peg Leg Pete – there is always a possibility more might be released since there was a trading night that didn’t take place. Who knows what else Disney have on the back burner? These usually retail for $16.95, but some of the variants such as Scrooge are selling for hundreds of dollars.  Regular figures are selling from as little and $9.99 and up on eBay (more for the really popular characters) whilst some of the variants are reaching prices of up to £300.00. What do you think of this series? Do you own any of the limited, rare variants?

Now for the photo part of this article. Be warned, there’s a fair few!

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And to cap it all off, why not enjoy a video of Peter Sark wearing Mickey-esque gloves doing a little Oswald unbloxing? Forward to 03:40 to get to the good stuff!

By Adam

Adam has been a fan of Disney since he was small. He runs the Disneybrit Podcast. He is also the author of several Disney books.

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