The Disneybrit Podcast Podcast is nearly 2 and a half years old and so was its logo. The original one was created as a quick fix so that the podcast and following website would have something recognisable. It was only designed to stay until we came up with something better. Well, we didn’t come up with anything better and it stuck for all that time. We have recently be reviewing everything we do and decided it was time to come up with something fresh and new. We tweeted out on Twitter and asked listeners to come up with some new that we could use as out new logo. Something that was contemporary, new, bold, lively and vibrant, Something we try to be. Yes, I know 1 out of 4 isn’t bad! Well, here were some of the things people came up with. We want to thank them for the work they put in as they were all great new logos and we would have been happy to have used any of them. The entries were:

BUT……. After consideration by all of us there was one that we felt really showed what we were about, or at least try to be. So, the winner of the new logo competition goes to……..
Kez Francis with this awesome new logo
From now on, anything you see coming out of the Disneybrit Podcast will have this logo attached to it. Thanks again to Kez and to all that took part.
What do you think? Do you like it?