This past week Disneyland Paris was hit by its first winter snow. Some websites reported that the park was closed but this was not the case. The parks remained open but all outdoor entertainment and parades were cancelled and some ride operation was disrupted.

Although the parks were still admiting guests, it was only to those staying on site or those that had already bought tickets. No new tickets were being sold at the parks ticket windows. Take a look below at some awesome photos sourtesy of Salon Mickeys. You can visit their blog at

Headin towards Main Street USA
Looks a lot less Spooky with snow don't you think?
Even the Riverboat gets the weather
Even in the studios the snow isn't a special effect!

You can see more pictures of the weather at the Salon Mickey blog here

By Adam

Adam has been a fan of Disney since he was small. He runs the Disneybrit Podcast. He is also the author of several Disney books.

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