It is once again the time of year when Epcot becomes awash with foodies as the International Food and Wine Festival takes over World Showcase. This year brings many familiar countries plus the inclusion of the Caribbean, Portugal, Hawaii and a Craft Beer Marketplace.

Take a look at the guide map for this year’s festival

During the 2011 guests will also be able to take an interactive tour of the event with the new mobile site. Guests can search the different marketplaces. For those wanting to use it, you can find the site at www.epcotfw11.comwill only work on a mobile device. If accessed on a laptop/desktop it will divert to the Facebook page)

IFor those of you not going but want to see what the site offers here is a brief tour through the many areas of the site.

The home screen gives you several options to choose from. Yo can explore the different market places under pavilions, find out when your favourite bands are playing, share some of the great things happening at the festival via the usual social networking roots, look up your favourite food items and even find out some of the other ticketed event you might be able to take part in.

Let’s start of under the pavilions tab.

Guests can scroll through each of the countries and click on the arrow on the right side to find out just what is on offer in each marketplace.

Not only does it explain each of the dishes on offer it also tells you how much each tasty morsel will cost you. There is a heart in the left to place it in your favourites and a share this tab on the right. Not all, but some of the food items even have a recipe to try it at home.

If that isn’t enough, you can even follow an online video as shown here with the Caribbean’s Jerk Chicken.

If we move on to the next tab ‘Bands’ you can find a list of who is playing on what weekend

Clicking on each band will give you a summary of who they are but the website also updates to let you know who has already performed just so you don’t get confused.

The final icon of importance if that of the ‘Events’.

Here, it gives you a detailed look at each of the events available. Above you can see the new Discovery of Chocolate event. It also shares the place, dates and price per person. If the event is sold out you will find sold out plastered across it. The same will be shown on the events menu screen

Although you can’t book your place through the website itself it does have a button at the bottom of the screen once you have scrolled down that links to the reservation phone number. Easy to ring straight from the web page (Warning! This is a US number, if ringing from the UK make sure you have a second mortgage for the phone bill!)

Finally, the top right of neely every screen has a map icon. Guests can click on this to fine the location of everything at the food and wine festival. It isn’t the most sophisticated of maps and is powered through Google Maps. A useful tool in the park though.

By Adam

Adam has been a fan of Disney since he was small. He runs the Disneybrit Podcast. He is also the author of several Disney books.

2 thoughts on “A Look at Epcot’s Food and Wine Guidemap and Mobile Guide”
  1. Interestingly the website looks different on different mobile browsers, with the screenshots obviously from Safari on an iPhone layout for others will vary.

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