in 1943, Walt Disney Productions issued staff with a welcome booklet, that told them the doos and don’ts of working with in the organisation. I recently obtained a copy of this booklet and thought it would be fun to share sections.
Today we are looking at being Absence
The word “absenteeism” has been officially drummed out of the Disney vocabulary. It sounds chronic, incurable and has been considered over-worked. We all know what that unnecessary absence is a minkey wrench in the production machinery. Consider that fact… and the short check on pay day… then change your mind about going fishing.
Of course there will be times when some of us are really sick. In that event, we are doing no one any good by coming to teh studio: least of all ourselves. In all cases of absence due to illness, call the nurse – Extension 444.
If absence is due to some unavoidable situation, call personel – Extension 371, as soon as possible.