As if the anticipation of the new attraction isn’t high enough, check out the newest website to be launched in conjunction with the latest project. Guests can now make their very own Star Tours Passport complete with their own image in an altered form. First off, guests must choose their theme

Once they have chosen their theme they are then given the chance to either upload a photo or take one from Facebook. Once you have chosen your photo you can then go to the editing phase where you can change your selection, crop, zoom and rotate.

Once you are happy with your finished image, click continue and add in the rest of your details ready to complete your passport.

Once you have filled in all your info you are given a chance to post it to Facebook and then are given a link to your PDF Passport, complete with instructions on how to put it together. Here is mine:

The new passport is a great way to keep track of all the new adventures guests will be able to enjoy aboard the new attraction. Guests can tick each visit and date it, making it easy to work out which planets they still have to visit. But, the best bit for me comes on the other side.

For what seems to be a limited period, guests will be able to get the back of their passport stamped once their mission is completed. We know what a sucker Disney fans are for collectibles and here is a perfect example of a new one! Who will be the first to get the coveted stamp first. Let the race begin!!!

To make your own Passport, head over to

By Adam

Adam has been a fan of Disney since he was small. He runs the Disneybrit Podcast. He is also the author of several Disney books.

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