Smell is the most power trigger of our memories, taking you back instantly to a moment in your past like nothing else. This has always fascinated me, I even based my final year uni project and dissertation on it (managing to sneak in a cheeky reference to Soarin’! every Dissertation needs some Disney!!) so you can imagine my joy when I heard about the following…
Disney Park Air Fresheners…
Ok very random you may think, so what on earth have they based the scents on exactly? FOOD! (what else!)
Last year Steven Miller was asked to photograph particular food items for the Disney Merchandise team for use as air fresheners including a turkey leg, a Mickey Mouse premium ice cream bar, candy apple, cotton candy, popcorn and a Mickey Mouse waffle. Disney Design Group artist Caley Hicks then used the images to create these air fresheners. (unfortunately the Cotton Candy and Popcorn didn’t make the cut!)
I love how innovative Disney are with things like this and I will be definitely checking them out when I visit this year. Just wish they had kept the popcorn one in as that would have been hands down my favourite, that smell always takes me straight back to Main Street.
Here they are in all their glory:
What are your favourtite Disney Smells?
Where can I get one from? Hopefully it’s not just in the parks?!