It was rumoured to be happening and now it finally has! There had been reports over the last few days of projectors aimed at the mirrors towards the end of the attraction and today we found out why. The mirrors are now gone and projections show animations of the hitchhiking ghosts floating about in front of you. There is no news as to whether this is a temporary test, an incomplete addition or the final thing but the chances are there is more to it that we’ve seen so far. Want to check it out for yourself? Then, take a look at this video taken by Brandon Struve
What do you think to the additions? Are you sad to see some of the original Mansion technology being pushed aside so that something more modern and up to date can come in? Would you prefer that they kept it the same? For many years, there have been rumours that Disney were toying with an interactive element that allows you to take a Hitchhiking ghost home with you on your mobile phone. Could this be the realisation of that idea? It could also be a link to the new interactive elements coming to the queuing system. Could the ghosts reveal answers to the clues you have been gathering? Will they interact with guests in someway and add another layer to that unique breed of interactive entertainment Disney are keen to use? Stay tuned and we will keep you updated as things develop.
A huge thanks to Brandon for letting us use the video. You can find his blog here and make sure to follow him on Twitter @struvebrandon
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by EPCOT Info Center, DisneyBrit and DisneyBrit, DisneyBrit. DisneyBrit said: VIDEO – Haunted Mansion Hitchhiking Ghost Get a Digital Makeover – […]
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Hmm.. I’ll have to see it in person before I make up my mind, but I like the idea of more realistic looking ghosts!