Big Hero 6 is the latest cinematic release from Disney, already grossing $225,365,363 worldwide since release. However, unless you’ve seen the movie or read the Marvel comic, nothing but maybe the big white robot means anything to you. Will you collect this series because you collect all Vinylmations? Or will collectors only want this series if they’ve seen the film? For me, it’s not an essential purchase. Movies have to be well established in my heart and mind such as Toy Story before I’ll pursue a Vinylmation collection. So personally, I’m a little unsure about this series…..having said that I’ll probably watch the film, suddenly need them all and find that I need to shell out some serious ££s to get them!
Here’s the lowdown: This series was designed by Eric Tan and consists of Baymax (Mech), Baymax Nurse, Hiro (Hamada), Go Go, Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Fred Kaiju plus the chaser, Yokai. Each blind box is $12.95 and a tray will cost $207.20. The chaser is currently doing the rounds on eBay for approx $40+.