We like to bring you something a little bit different on the Disneybrit Podcast and this is no exception. Craig went on a little expedition last week to visit a couple by the name of Mickey and Minnie Baus. They own a house in Orlando which is decked out in possibly the largest Disney collection on the planet!! Every room in their house (and I mean every room) has a Disney theme that has been meticulously created. At certain times in the year, the Baus family open up their house for people to come and visit and as Easter has just been there is no better time. Come and take a tour of the Baus House with us below:

Check back soon for some photos of the Baus House!

By Adam

Adam has been a fan of Disney since he was small. He runs the Disneybrit Podcast. He is also the author of several Disney books.

One thought on “Welcome to the house of Baus, or is it Mouse?”
  1. Amazing, i would love to see this myself. We tend to go for Halloween so fingers crossed when we next go we can take a drive over and take a look

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